Since I have been back at work I am very torn. For one because I like my job ,I get to talk to adults,I can go out to lunch with adults, I get to have a good time ,doing what I love and I get paid for it. Not a lot of folks are that blessed. On the other hand it's very sad for me too. Around break time at work I am thinking"I wonder what Bella had for snack" Then at Lunch I am thinking"I wonder if she is eating her lunch" Then around 2:30 or 3 I say a small prayer for Bella and Julie as I know it would of been nap time a she is probably being a turkey. Then when it's time to come home my heart sings as I know it will only be a little while before I see her. Today was exactly like that.
Her and Papa met me at the Mexican place after work and we had"Chips & Dip -it" with Chicken and Rice one of her & My all time favorites.Then we came home and she helped me fold laundry,pack my bag for gym and then we took a bath together in my garden tub. We had a ball and she so loved dumping glass after glass of water over my head. Probably thinking to herself all the while "See what it's like"Then we used her Monkey squirter on each other and raced her alligator in is boat around the tub. What an awesome night. She is now in bed resting peacefully . I'll leave you with a few photos we took to show Grandma and Granny how long her hair is getting. I cannot believe that in 13 days my dear sweet little baby will be THREE! I ask you where did the time go?

Why can't my hair look like Bella's? I think I'll print her picture the next time I go to Studio 52, and see if they can make it work!
Sorry you're missing your sweet baby girl. I have to admit, though, that I find myself wondering what YOU had for lunch, and what in the world YOU are talking about while I'm playing construction for the 9,326,893,757,923th time.
Wow! I hadn't realized her hair was getting that long!
Good luck with the adjustment with work. I know it has to be hard. Give it a smidge of time, I'm sure it will all balance. And I bet Bella is loving having day long playdates at Miss Julies while you get to go be a biggy girl too!
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