I don't mind rain too much but it was a bit much today.Here is the pond. Normally it looks like this but not today. I have not figured out yet how to take a picture of rain.Ronda are you listening?

I was up at 5 am this morning to go to the gym for 3 reasons. #1 Adam wanted to go to the recycle place and it opens at 7:30 and he has to leave home by 7 to get there when it opens. #2 The trainer says early morning cardio is best because you go before you eat and it burns store fat instead of things you just ate! #3 We had a play date appt at 11 am this morning and I didn't want to be late for it. Gym opens at 5 but childcare doesn't start till 9 and by the time I get workout and shower done it's usually 11. I drug myself into the gym at 5:30 in the pouring rain. I should get a cookie. Oh you say that defeats the purpose ... OK fine!
Then my friend called and said you know it's pouring rain so I suggested we go here instead. It was fun, we had a chance to visit while the girls played. I got to hold Mr. Man <---- her son and Bella got some friend time along with some new books. Then we decided to go here and pick up some lunch to take home. We got one of these and it was awesome. I kid myself that it is a better choice but I couldn't avoid seeing the grease on top when it was cooking. But YUM! it was
De-litefull ;o)

One good thing about today ,it was a school day. Bella and I have been trying to get in a routine of doing school type work every morning . She is loving it and will actually ask me if it's time for school yet. She probably enjoys the one on one time and complete focus on her and I don't blame her. It's easy as a Mom to get side tracked with lots of "busy" stuff and forget she needs her special time with Mom. We got this workbook at Sam's Club and off we went...

I am so excited that she enjoys it and when we do works she calls me teacher and I'll say something about "Mommy" and she'll say "No, Your the teacher Mom"
Today we learned the Letter "J" as in Jacket

Then the Number "7"

Then we went on to work on opposites and what it means when a store is open or closed.

I just hope she'll feel that way when she's 15
dude- you're wearing me out with the 'this' and 'thats', 'here' and 'there'- I am not a seasoned blogging person, I can hardly keep up : )
I can't say that I've ever tried to take a picture of rain. I have nearly hurt myself trying to catch lightning...not a good idea for me. I'll have to try it next time, and get back to you.
We went to the bowling alley today...thanks for the website at the beginning of the summer. You rock!
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