Well when I last left you we were in northern Indiana Amish county. Well on Friday morning we ventured over to beautiful Kendallville for the "Midwest Geo Bash" a huge multi-state geo- caching event. We registered and got our free gift and name tags . Then we shopped around a bit and looked at some of the cool new containers they had for sale. This years theme was pirates. Bella loved it she was checking out all of the "booty". She even got a geo caching tattoo. We stayed until noon and headed south.
After stopping at home and dropping dirty clothes off and re-packing the suitcase we drove down to Louisville. My Mom came down and joined us after work . Then her and I took off for Horseshoe.While Adam and Bella went to a local festival then took a dip in the hotel's pool.Mom wound up winning about $100 and I won 13.25 I only came home with $2 though because I bought a pair of sunglasses at the gift shop. The main difference is Mom was playing craps for 2&1/2 hours and I played nickel slots for about 15-20 minutes. As soon as I get up I quit instantly. One machine I was down about $4 and then when it went up 10 cents over my orginal I cashed out. Mom was cracking up. I enjoy going just to watch the craps tables. It's fun and I can roll for Mom too and that keeps it interesting.
The hotel was pretty nice and it was right downtown. We didn't tour much since I've been to Nashville a lot. I went to bed and slept and Adam went out caching. Then we went to Edie's wedding. It was in a really nice cathedral and it was Catholic but not full mass so it wasn't too long. The reception was in a cool little bar they rented out for the night and it was decorated really cute. Over all it was really nice and I am so happy for my Friend. Her she is with her dad an of course a shot of her cake.

It was a pretty cool place. You should go visit sometime.
I've decided that on our next parent getaway (what in 15 years?) I'd like to go to Nashville. I've heard it's really a great town, and we've never been.
Did you make the cake?
Dude- you must be exhausted!
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