had I not been there myself.We waited patiently to get in among throngs of people

Here are of some of the stadiums highlights.
This 2 story helmet with 6 big screen
TV's on it.

This HUGE Football player coming out of the wall was a nice touch. He was near the locker rooms . There was a 45 minute wait to get into the VISITORS locker room. Not to mention an additional 45 minute wait just to walk past the COLTS locker room on the way out. We were not allowed in there for some reason.
Then these guys were playing bluegrass music inside a huge horseshoe . Bella was really liking the music. She was dancing in her seat. She really got mad when after 20 minutes we told her it was time to move on "Mom, I wanna listen to the music"
Then there was this behemoth.
It was begging me to take it's picture even if it was a SONY and I am a Nikon girl. Different Area's of the stadium had obviously been purchased as there were company logos splayed out all over the wall and in displays. Here was a set of escalators in the H.H. Gregg section. It was promoting Hi Def TV
Nice picture of Peyton huh?
Then we decided it was getting way to crowded so we had better make our way down to the field before everyone else had the same idea. Here's Mom and I in our Colt's gear.
This was the view from the Northeast corner of the stadium before we went all the way down to the field.Of course the photos do it NO justice the place was HUGE. I saw a
sign that said it
was over 32 acres. Even Mom who really didn't want to come said how glad she was that she did come and how neat it was to be able to get that up close to it all. Then on the way down we wondered????

When we got tot he field is when Bella was really getting ticked "I want to play ball" "Where is the game at?" She was pretty mad when we explained to her that after waiting all that time in all those lines that we really didn't get to see an actual football game. So instead she wanted to see if this whole place was a lie...
"Dad, this is NOT grass!" Again she was feeling really duped by the whole process. It's kind of hard for a 2(nearly 3 ) yr old to get what it is we were actually doing. However I am sure when she is older she will be glad to have the chance to say that she was there.
Yes it was a eventful morning but those of you that know me know that couldn't be the end of my day. Oh no I decided we had better go the to the state fair at least 1 more time before it was gone(this was our 3rd trip). It was one of my favorite things ever to do when I was a little kid. I love to be able to run around the fairgrounds all day without Mom and my step dad. My step sisters and I had the run of the place and it was so fun hitting all the animals barns and seeing all the displays. Well let me tell ya the state fair has come along way since I was a kid. They never had anything as cool as this.
We watched them carving for quite awhile ,how neat. Adam would do ones like this if he had a chance or a pumpkin that big
Then they had a whole building devoted to sports. Bella just kept coming back for the T-ball and the golf. I guess if I like it or not there will be a few T- ball seasons in our near future.
Then as the evening was coming to a close we headed over to the midway so Bella could get her one and only ride of this year. The beloved Carousel. It's her favorite so we gave in even if 1 ride cost us $5 it was worth it to see this smile.

Now turn away if your not ready to take the good with the bad. We got up early today and headed off to church . It was our day to be in the nursery. We had a great day and got lucky with a low turn out of kiddos.A few of our friends dropped in and chatted for awhile then as we were cleaning up the nursery after services a member came to tell us that our car window had been smashed out. So off we ran to the parking lot and sure enough the back drivers side window had been smashed out and Bella's diaper bag had been stolen. Not ANYTHING else just the diaper bag. I guess since it was a nice black leather one they must of mistaken it for a purse. So instead of getting a wallet with money and credit cards they got a bag with Animal crackers and Mandarin oranges. If it wasn't a $250 deductible I would be laughing.
However it does bring up a state of things where a person would feel OK with breaking into someones car while they are at church praising God. We jokingly said we needed to put up signs that say"You are under surveillance ...From God" you know kind of like the God bill boards. Our church has been broken into more than once. Mind you we are not inner city at all mostly rural and farm houses nearby. It's simply a shame that there are folks out their that desperate.
Then I was on my way to pick up dinner and I turned on the radio to a local Christian station
WGNR 97.9 and was listening to a sermon by this
fellow. It was quite
interesting and quite relevant to how I was feeling about the
character who'd disrupted my day and cost me a hefty sum of money (which I would NOT of had if it not for the new job God blessed me with) I guess it was God teaching me a
lesson that I
needed to learn. When I got home I search the sermon on
The Deadly Dangers of Moralism by MacArthur. It was very thought provoking for me.
Especially the part towards the end about the 16 dangers of Cultural morality. If you have a minute make time to please go and read them.My favorite are Numbers 11,13 and 16 they remind me how I should feel towards the person who really was doing what came natural to him and
a lot of us ,if we can be honest with our own sin.( Not just the 5 we don't do ) I learned a
valuable lesson from it that was there in scriptures all along . I might have missed the point had it not been for God's direction for my life today. Amen!