Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Yes... I am a slacker

Well at least as blog posts are concerned. I had a busy week this last week. I have a Geo caching dinner on Tuesday .Went to the Gym on M,W & Friday and did Water aerobics on M&W too. Bella's art class was on Thursday . Where she made a really cool coaster and spray painted a hat..the next Banksy I tell ya. Then I had a finance meeting at church on Thursday too. That's enough to get you brain pumping.
My wonderful mother took me out to a nice grown up adult dinner on Friday night.Then we went to see this movie. In 3-D none the less, how cool 2 grown women look in a pair of Drew Carey glasses whilst watching a flick.
My Saturday was NOT pleasant. We were going to go our to lovely Hillsboro Indiana where I lived off and on from the age of 2 till 12 and spend Friday and Sat night. Until the DH tells me he has to work Sat. Trust me with the weather we had it was for the better. So Mom,Bella and I were up early Sat to head out and it was pouring buckets. We called to confirm that the reunion was indeed taking place. Yes,so of we go into the middle of nowhere. Every single road we turned on after getting of the highway was flooded. We're not talking slight rain here but a river to cross in the middle of the gravel roads. After heading thru about 4 like that we hit at least 3 that we totally impassable either because the river was now a lake in the road or the road itself had just washed away and there was a post in the middle of one road to warn that indeed the road was GONE.Long story is we made it and Bella was an absolute pain the the butt the entire time. She wanted to play with this little boy and she was dragging him around until he stood up to her then it was a battle. Fight over the ball, fight over the chairs,fight over the side walk fight over the golf cart. She nearly drove me up a wall. I can't blame her she was very tired and it was well past her nap time so we finally gave in and headed home. On the way my cousin Lisa called to remind me that she was having a cookout for her daughter in law's birthday . So we made a quick detour and went over there for the remainder of the evening.
The good news was since we didn't camp at Hillboro we were able to go to church on Sunday. We have been out of town for the last month on weekends so it had been awhile. Pastor Bev was at camp this week so Emma was the guest speaker . She did great and reminded me that I have seeds for Christ and I need to be faithful in passing them out to others so that they may know his love as much as I do.She will be leading our bible study this week to we are on David so I am sure it will be very interesting. The bad part is I missed Miss Goble's scavenger hunt this year. It was on Sat and she said that they had to wind up doing it at the mall with all the rain we got. I enjoy it so much it's a shame we missed it. I love having the photo book of memories that I don't have to put together too!
The Dad's group have banded together again to work on being better Dad's with the help of Christ and his word. They met Sunday night and had a good time. Even if I was the first wife to call her husband(someone had to find out if the dogs had been fed). They are planning a church camp out with the kids and I am 100% positive they will all have a ball.
My neighbors are on vacation this week so I am collecting their mail. I'd love to be on the beach in Florida right now that's for sure. My dog has a swollen face again and I am worried we are going to have to take her back to the vet and get her tooth pulled. Whew it was $200 bucks a couple weeks ago just to get them cleaned . I am telling you we cannot afford much more.
I am waiting on pins and needles tonight is council at church and after I read my report(treasurer) I am running off with the girls on a much needed girls night out. Nothing super exciting just McAlisters but sweet tea and fellowship/friendship sounds like a ball to m . It's so rare that we get to spend time without our kids and get a chance to talk with one another like adults .
I better shut up and get to cleaning my house or I may be late to a very important date!

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