OK let's get real. NOT majesty but a huge mountain. I had so much laundry from the In-Laws visit and not doing ANY laundry since they got here last Wed. I had all of our bed clothes ,rugs and what seemed like every single towel and article of clothing we owned to wash. So I asked Mom for back up to watch Bella and off I went to the laundry mat. Believe me it is not something I look forward too. I actually dread it A LOT!!!! Since I had 9 regular loads of laundry and 2 loads in the big 55 lb washers I had no choice. Well I could of spend 3- 8 hr days at home washing ,folding ,hanging up and putting away all the while chasing Bella. Instead I spent 3 and 1/2 hrs and $25 in a hot sweaty stinky laundry mat watching American Gladiators(the only show they ever have on when I come here ? Curious?) in between folding mountains of laundry.The only thing I find depressing is now I have about 4-5 hrs of ironing. I'll probably wind up doing what I usually do (be a slacker) and get up in the morning and iron as I need it.
Whew! well enough about laundry,today is a new day. I must clean my house. I have play-doh in my floors not to mention enough hair to make an entire dog. Dishes to put away and washers to re load. Beds to make,tubs and toilets to scrub,mirrors to clean and a fridge to clean out. In my spare time it would really nice to clean out the inside of my car as it is gross too.Hopefully I can wrangle my 2 yr old and accomplish all of these tasks.
Tomorrow will be a fresh day I hope. I'll wake up to clean clothes and a clean house and be able to take Bella to the park or swimming since we have not been yet this summer. I am missing spending fun times with her since the in-laws have been here. I have been tyring to feed my inner self with small joys. Like shopping alone,getting in and out of my car in 5 seconds in stead of 5 minutes,going to the bathroom by myself,taking a shower without worry of a crazy person roaming my home. Tomorrow it's time to get back to being a fun Mommy who plays in the floor with Mr. Potato head ,reads books and plays candy land.
Enough already! You make those of us who don't do any of that cleaning crap (especially the ironing) look really bad!
That, my friend, is impressive. If you run out of things to clean, come on over!
I accept and admit defeat. I was able to clean both bathrooms and my bedroom. I also made up the spare bed and swept the room. That's it! All stinking day i worked and fought Bella tooth and nail. She has been having the past 5 days of non-stop attention and today that was not happening and she did every bad thing she could to ge me to look her way! Love is a battlefield.
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