Yesterday we went to the gym. Which in itself is not abnormal. What is abnormal is what Bella came home with. She was riding along in the back seat and started singing surprising clear. However the little ditty she was singing was not familiar to me . As a matter of fact it kind of took me by surprise, oh I 'd be used to old favorites like "God's big backyard" or "She'll be coming round the mountain" but this was NEW & um well quite advanced for a 2 year old.

She did the dance that goes with it when we got home. I was a bit concerned with the ending and wondered where on earth she got it. So i asked to which she replied "at the gym". So I am thinking she is hanging out with older girls learning rap and dance routines which scared me so I seared online to find out exactly what song it was and if their were any other "suggestive" type lyrics. Then I found out it was this!
How funny,cute,strange is that. I have not decide which. Feel free to leave me a comment with your opinion. She seems to really like the doll and has requested that we get the the"pink" one. We looked on eBay and the are about $25 for one or you can buy a lot of 12 for $50 . Maybe I'll buy a lot and do some eBay myself.
Now on to the Bed time part of this Routine.Bella has a book read every night at bedtime. Her fave changes with each trip to the library. Right now it is this one.
Last time it was "Professor Bumble and the Monster of the deep" She is so funny . Acting out all of the actions and what happens in the stories . I love reading to her and so does Adam. We usually trade off nights . Lately he has been doing it a lot more so he has more time to spend withe her. She love playing and reading with her daddy.
We learned that little ditty when we were in cheerleading!
I was going to say the beginning looked like a cheerleading thing. I also am familiar with the "wiggle it...just a little bit" part. I don't know why, but I sang it as I was reading it. Myself, I would be more freaked out by the cheerleading thing! I "wiggled it...just a little bit", and turned out o.k. :)
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