Trust me she will be soooooooo thankful I took these pictures when she is 15 and she has her friends over. I Cannot get this child to hold still for any amount of time. Proof that I am in serious need of a tripod like this one ASAP.Then she can run jump and act a fool and I can still get a good shot since I'm not chasing her down.It seems to me stationary things are the ONLY thing I take pic's of that look pretty crisp. 

So I guess until my friend Ronda has a manual class for the special ed I am out of luck. I LOVE taking flower shot's and playing around with them in photo shop though. I can make them much more real. They seem to pop off the page.
My in-laws will be here soon. They were leaving Youngstown,Oh area this morning around 8:30 . That should give us enough time to go to the gym and get home to get lunch and nap out of the way before they arrive.I am cooking Chicken Broccoli Ziti for dinner tonight. I may even get crazy and make a cake too. I bought some Raspberry Jello with hopes of playing around with a Raspberry Butter cream icing. Duncan Hines used to make a wonderful Raspberries & Cream cake and icing to go with it. I have NO IDEA why the quit as it was GREAT. However my large bottom thanks them for it, since I won't be eating it now.
We went to meet my Mom for lunch yesterday. I got and pizza and then picked her up and we went to the Shawn Grove park for lunch. It was really fun,Bella got to play and Mom &I got to talk. I grew up right down the street from here at my grandparents house. I'll include a few "Old North side" Photo's including one of their old house.
I may get really crazy later and see if I can dig up and scan a "old" photo of the house. It was so awesome on the inside. Huge staircases,pocket doors and stained glass windows. I sure do miss the old place...not to mention the people who lived there.
1 comment:
I am loving those storyboards. Can you smell smoke...I'm over here trying to think through how you might have accomplished that. I *think* I have a clue, but I'm sure if I were to get started, it wouldn't be such smooth sailing. If I were to stop reading blogs, and focus on learning photoshop, I could go far in life!
You let me know when you want the special ed class -- how do you think I finally got it? When I get my M,W,F mornings with just one kid, we'll make it our mission to edu-mi-cate ourselves on this stuff.
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