Here they are ready to rumble in the backyard. Bella and her Dad starting the blow up of her new birthday gift from Grandma,Papaw and Zia Rita. A new Bouncer play set for the backyard. While they were out visiting in July they realized her affinity for Bouncertown, A local indoor play land with several blow up bouncers and a variety of games. She could stay there for hours running ,jumping and playing games. As a matter of fact she just got to go again on Friday. This arrived in Indy last Friday during the torrential downpours we had. Grandma was so excited she called daily to see if the rain had let up for us to play with it. Darn that hurricane Ike and his pushing all that rain on us.So here is the slide show below of getting in blown up and ready to go last Wed night. 

They bought a new house with this in the yard and they say "Haul it away and it's yours" So not a bad little deal after we fixed it up,stained it and added a few finishing touches. Too bad it is nearly the end of summer but her next year backyard situation will ROCK!
Check her out, her own private bouncertown!
We're on our way over! I'll throw the kids in the backyard, and teach you how to take action shots.
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