Bugga's taking a bath. Last night Bug and I spent some quality time ( an hour) taking a bath in Mom's big tub. Complete with Bubble Bath ,Toys and bath tub crayons. So I just HAD to drag out the camera and take a few shots. Let me tell you it was very hard ,as she was not happy with splash time being
interrupted so as not to flood Mom's camera. I told her it was for Grandma and Granny and got a smile or two out of her..... so her she is in all her glory.

Needless to say she was a bit
pruney afterwards. Dad normally gives her a bath so when Mom does it she gets the full meal deal. Lotion,Smell goods,Ears cleaned ,nails painted if their is time. Last night we just took the old polish off because she wanted to watch "Dora saves the snow princess" for the 15,000
th time(it
came out last Tuesday). Then off to bed.
Adam and I went to
Redbox last night and got
this movie. It was quite funny and good. Adam wanted to see it when it was out but I had never even seen a preview at that point so we never winded up seeing it.
Today I am going to Greenwood to pick up my cousin's daughter after school . I have to pick her up on Tuesday an Wed as well. Hopefully I can take full advantage of her babysitting services and get my closets and Garage cleaned out over the next 3 days.
Enjoy your 'live in help' for the next few days!
She's a little bathing beauty!
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