Friday, October 31, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

This is what I've been up to in case you were wondering. Not to mention a few HUNDRED cupcakes (you know who you are!)


Ronda said...

You are amazing...those are simply gorgeous! Did we ever find out who swiped that big pumpkin at the Prime Timers' party? I was fully expecting to see some kid laid out in a sugar coma, but maybe we left too soon.

Mynde said...

Oh, I know. And I'm grateful!

But are those Christmas cakes???? Who on earth is going to purchase a christmas cake at halloween??? Why am I so confused?

Rebecca said...

My dear friend . This was a "class" so to speak for folks to walk through and understand what there store should look like at Christmas

Rebecca said...

Ronda ....HELLO. It was my HUSBAND, no I am NOT kidding

Mynde said...

Ahhh, that means I am not going crazy (officially)?

Now answer this- are those pinecones made out of chocolate? SIGN ME UP! I'll take an even dozen!