Then out to the front porch to decorate .
I had to work 3 days last week including Monday which is hard as that is my normal day to play catch up from the weekend. This week I really truly needed to catch up as we weren't home much at all. I went to early services on Sunday as Adam and Bella were both feeling under the weather. Then I headed to Rockville to the "Covered Bridge Festival" It was fun and hot. This year it was way more hot that in years past so we didn't stay long . Not to mention it was Sunday and we NEVER come on Sunday and totally spaced that the Amish booth would not be open so we didn't get any wonderful candy or fresh butter for our Thanksgiving feast like we had in years past. Oh well! I guess I'll just have to drag out the churn . ( Ya right I wanted to make sure you were still with me)
This past Friday I worked at home making a bunch of cakes for the Women's Guild bake sale. It was fun and Bella got to watch and ask way to many questions. Then we took her to church for our annual Kid's Kingdom Karnival. She had a blast (Thanks Ms.Mynde) and didn't want to leave.Adam and I were able to price some stuff for the church's booth at the yard sale and go out to dinner at O'Charleys (Thanks Ms. Mynde).Then on Sat we went to support the church and buy baked goods (wink) and shop the sale. Then we headed home to clear out the barn and garage and made a trip to Goodwill to drop off stuff we deemed not yard saleable, we also sprayed the house with bug killer to keep the spiders that come in every winter out.We had planned to go over to a friends house for awhile but I didn't call them early enough so instead we went to the movies. We saw a sophomoric high school movie but it was funny and that's what we needed after prepping our house for winter all day.I'll close this post with a few shots of Bug playing in the yard as we cleaned out the garage. Her Dad taught her how to throw leaves....Let's hope he can teach her how to rake them!
I tried to save us money (since she wants a bagel EVERY day) buy buying some at the store . Let me tell you she was NOT fooled. She was like"what is THIS" I did what every good mother does I lied and told her these were the new bagels and like it or lump it. So reluctantly she ate it. So I bought more grocery store bagels this week too. Trust me when I say it saves me a pretty penny. They know you get addicted that's why you'll pay $5 for 2 bagels with cream cheese.
SO anyway that was the start of a very busy day. I did my laundry,banking and various other chores and then we were off to
FREE SAMPLES. OMG she was eating everything that was not nailed down. Chic breast,coffee cake,blueberries,Thai pad shrimp,fruit rollups, chic nuggets. It was a nightmare. Every corner we turned she was like "What do they have Mom"? That is 100% her Dad. He does it everytime we go there. Then I was off to
For Carrots,Peas ,Softner Salt and a 2G smart card. Which they had in the ad for $6.99 cheap huh? Well of course they didn't have any . Then I called Mom and she went to 2 stores and they didn't have any either. HUH? It was in the AD folks!!!! So much for that .Then it was nap time and we went home for Bella to crash and I had a chance to re-pack all of the meat I got at Costco. I usually buy all of our meat there . It's good and I am telling myself it's cheaper too.Then Adam got home and I ran off to
Yes I am mentally defecient going to Wal-Mart on a Sat afternoon. Yes people were in there running amuck. So and hour later I was exiting and ran into my dear friend and chatted her up whilst we waited in LONG,LONG,LONG lines.
That made my dear husband late to his "camp out" with the other Dad's from church. They all took all their kids and camped in the gym building at church last night.
Me being no dummy, I sent out a call for a girls night and my friend Mynde took me up on it. Our friend Shelley was able to make it over for a while too.So went went to dinner here
I talked my friend Mynde into getting one of these
as I wanted to live vicariously through her. I seriously wanted to try one before but never had the guts to order it and she did to make me happy! It was GOOD trust me. Then while searching for a photo I ran across this video of how it's made .Kinda loud and grainy video but you'll get the point.
So after dinner and drinks we had our friend Shelley drive us across the street to