Here's our Tree
This is what she woke up to on Christmas morning. A brand new Dollhouse and a new TV. Which she now calls her TVD since it only plays movies. We decided not to hook it up to cable just yet.

Grandma made her Christmas Nightgown too!
Her new cool Princess slippers.

Also my 1st Build-A-Bear experience. Thanks a lot Linda. (NOT) we made the mistake of going there the Friday after Christmas and let me tell you it took us 2 & 1/2 hrs to make 2 little stuffed reindeer.

Ok Finally I have managed to take a brief moment to upload a few pics of our wonderful Merry Christmas 2008. We had a great Holiday.Below is the Christmas dress Grandma made for Bella this year.
Bella and her Daddy

Also my 1st Build-A-Bear experience. Thanks a lot Linda. (NOT) we made the mistake of going there the Friday after Christmas and let me tell you it took us 2 & 1/2 hrs to make 2 little stuffed reindeer.
Here are a few closing shots of my family that I am always talking about so that my loyal 1 reader can match a name to the face.
My Cousin Lisa and her boyfriend Steve. Her son Mike and his wife Daphne below.

My cousin Donald and that's his wife Becky below. Then below her is her dad Mike.

What great pictures! Here's the burning question, though? How did the big dollhouse make it into Miss Bella's room without waking her up in the middle of the night? Santa was nearly busted here.
Oh, and I was playing along with "name that relative". I knew Lisa and her son (although his name wasn't coming to mind) I get a prize?
Looks like a fabulous Christmas! Oh, and welcome to the fine world of build a bear. The only place in the world that we goofy parents justify spending $50 on a stuffed animal.
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